Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Unhappy hunting

I’ve just read this fascinating article by Tristram Stuart, author of the book The Bloodless Revolution: Radical Vegetarians and the Discovery of India, in which he argues that vegetarianism could help global warming, but says that even staunch vegans contribute to animal cruelty, and goes on to expound the virtues of hunting. In this final point, his reasoning is sound and logical, but requires an ability to rationalise the killing of animals in the same way that politicians rationalise the killing of innocent children in warfare: that it’s for the greater good. While it may be true, for many of us, me included, these cold calculations are impossible to make. Maybe I’m just too sensitive, but I couldn’t shoot a deer so that the forest can regenerate properly. But do I condemn his actions, or accept that, while it’s a dirty job, someone has to do it?


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