Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Soya fights back

Well, wouldn't you just know it, it turns out that the man with the dead parrots mentioned in the Is soya safe? article is a director of the Weston A Price Foundation, a body that promotes traditional farming and the consumption of butter and cow's milk, at least according to Dr Justine Butler he is, who is herself a campaigner for the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation. The plot thickens.

The problem with research of any kind is that it is almost always conducted, or at least funded, by people with vested interests. Which leaves you not able to believe anything. It's almost enough to start you ranting against capitalism, the system that puts making money at the heart of society, but that should probably be taken up on another blog somewhere else.

In the meantime, I'm tempted to let soya milk back into my life, but in a lesser capacity, just in case. It turns out that rice milk is actually quite nice over cereal; at least I think it is. However, it's not so hot in cooking. We tried making white sauce with it the other day and it turned into an unappetising, brown, watery substance that really did our cauliflowers no favours.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just started reading your blog -- excellent. I use Silk soy yogurt on cereal (I don't think once or twice a week will kill you) or Naturade No Soy Rice Protein Plain flavor. It takes a while to get used to, but you can flavor it with brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla or what have you until you get used to the taste -- it's made from rice, but with much more protein than plain rice milk per se.

It's the superconcentrated manufactured soy meat analogues you have to stay away from. I am convinced they had a major hand in killing Linda McCartney and they sure did a number on my thyroid.


f, new reader from usa

6:24 PM  

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