Monday, June 19, 2006

Vegetables are good for you shock

The story that US scientists have "discovered" that vegetables are good for you, after experiments on mice genetically modified to be susceptible to heart attacks, leaves me shaking my head in weary disbelief.

We know vegetables are good for you. They worked that out bleeding years ago. And they probably used mice to prove it. So don't go doing it again! Leave the mice alone. You only have to sit down and eat some vegetables to know they're good for you. You can feel it. The science world's obsession with trying to prove everything (except the efficiency of childhood vaccinations, incidentally, which they can't test because it would be unethical to run human trials, the final and only conclusive step of any medical experiment) is beyond belief, at times. You know, they only banned stag hunting in the UK after scientists "proved" that it caused the stag distress. Like, you thought they enjoyed being chased by wild dogs and being mauled to death? It almost makes you think they should do a study to determine the link between scientists and stupidity.

Still, at least they didn't find out that vegetables are bad for you.


Blogger KleoPatra said...

The science world's obsession with testing on animals never ceases to get me in the heart, soul and gut. Pisses me off fiercely.

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the next study they will have found that vegetables are indeed bad for you, seeing as medical studies seem to change like the wind. People are always trying to tell me how not eating meat is physically harmful b/c of this and that, but I respond with the fact that new studies are constantly disproving old ones, so whats the point in following every new medical trend? I'd rather just do what I feel is right and works best for me. I take my vitamins, i feel fine and I have a clear conscious, that's good enough for me. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think all medical progress is bogus, I just stopped paying attention to those silly little "studies".

3:43 PM  

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