Monday, May 22, 2006

The downfall of a do-gooder

Poor Heather Mills ex-McCartney. They really don't like her. The press has been less than sympathetic towards her since the news that she was splitting from husband and aging global megastar Paul McCartney. Does this have anything to do with all her animal rights campaigning, I wonder? Animal rights, and vegetarianism for that matter, are strangely thorny issues, as I discussed in an earlier post. Most people, while willingly cooing over pictures of fluffy bunnies, like eating meat and wearing perfume and don't like people telling them it's wrong. Do-gooders, they're called, and they're held in lower esteem than drug-crazed rock-stars, beer-guzzling comedians, or even philandering former nurses. In fact, it's a sure fire way to get yourself a bad name. Better to snort cocaine and look pretty.


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