Monday, July 10, 2006

Glamour girls love it veggie

First Pamela Anderson and now Paris Hilton, vegetarians can count some of the world's most lusted-after glamour girls among their ranks. Paris has apparently been persuaded to change her diet by none other than veggie flag-waver Heather Mills who showed her a video about the fur trade.

"I was grossed out. It was disgusting," shrieked the terminally pouting, golden-limbed rich girl.

It doesn't sound like she has yet acquired a love for vegetarian food, however. "I just survive on pasta and stuff like that," she says. Hmmm, for a girl famous for indulgence and luxuries, this doesn't sound like a recipe for long-term success. Someone needs to send her, or more correctly her cook, the Leith's Vegetarian Bible, quick [If you haven't got it, it's full of the most sumptuous food imaginable].

Still, I suppose many people will be surprised she eats anything at all.


Blogger KleoPatra said...

Interesting. I hadn't heard that Paris made the crossover. I just remember the pathetic Carl's Jr. commercials. I don't watch TV but it was on the internet and a co-worker pointed me to where i could see what was being shown. Gross, every way you look at it...

3:08 AM  
Blogger moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

I think its just a show that Paris wont eat meat... Its very hard to take her seriously. I think its just to get more people to like her.. Fake. That's my opinion.

7:37 PM  

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